When you need your finances looked at by a professional, you go to an accountant. They know the ins and outs of your financial details and can help you understand specific actions you need to take to preserve or improve your finances. The same principle applies to car service, in that you always want to know what your car needs so that you can take care of it, and at Nucar Hyundai of North Kingstown, we have the experts here who can get you that information through a multi-point inspection.
It can be tough to know when to get a multi-point inspection since it’s not often included in your owner’s manual’s recommended maintenance intervals. However, there’s a simple way you can know if you need a multi-point inspection: ask yourself if you know what services your car needs right now. If you don’t know for sure, this is a good sign that you could use a multi-point inspection to help you better understand the state of your car and what services it needs.
When our certified technicians perform a multi-point inspection on your Elantra, Santa Fe, Ioniq, Kona, Tucson, or other Hyundai vehicles, they check a multitude of parts and systems. However, since they can’t check every individual part in your car due to time constraints, they check the parts and systems that are most vital to your driving and your safety. They also look at parts and systems that wear out easily to ensure that you can take care of them before a part fails.
If our technicians find something that needs to be replaced, you want to use the best parts possible for that replacement. The best parts are OEM parts, which are original equipment manufacturer parts. That simply means that the parts are designed by and come from Hyundai themselves and are the same as the parts designated to go into your car in the factory. We’re the main provider of OEM parts for this area of Rhode Island, and we’re proud to provide only the best for you and your vehicle.
Getting a multi-point inspection is one of the easiest ways to tune in to your car’s needs, and we provide them to customers from all over, including North Kingstown, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, Warwick, and West Warwick. We have a Parts and Gear Boutique in our service center where you can learn more about genuine Hyundai accessories and how they can improve your car, so set up your appointment online or by phone today!